Comments Posted By April Ginsberg
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My mother's family, she and her siblings, all campaigned for like Dewey and Eisenhower and she and my Dad campaigned for Rockefeller for Governor.

She is old school, refined, comes from a different time, doesn't take well to the Radical Right. My Mom is the type of Republican lady who adores Nancy Reagan and thinks Ann Coulter is as vulgar as Hillary Clinton.

Comment Posted By April Ginsberg On 10.02.2007 @ 02:37

I was talking about my parents who are generational Republicans. My mother hates the Far Right Fringe, she thinks they are destroying the GOP. I don't hate them I just wish they would become Democrats, as they should.

If Michelle Malkin became a Democrat I would throw a party and invite 1000 people. It would be the celebration of all celebrations.

Comment Posted By April Ginsberg On 10.02.2007 @ 02:21

"But . . . euro chocolate in general is just far better, for which I blame the Democrats.

Not sure exactly how they are to blame, but I am sure it is their fault."

That is ridiculous, my husband, my mother and father and my boss, all Republicans, blame Bush and The Far Right/Christian Right for everything that is wrong in this country.

That is also unhinged.

Comment Posted By April Ginsberg On 9.02.2007 @ 15:24

Hey Ken, I just read your chocolate piece, after posting.

I personally love Hershey Bars with almonds, they taste different than the bar without almonds, which aren't that good. I personally like the almond bar, think you should try it. The Symphony Bar is pretty good, but then again I am not a chocolate expert. But one thing I believe, chocolate should not be used in the political context to divide our nation.

But leave it up to your buddy Michelle and I bet you somehow she would find a way to do it and then some. She would have all the candy bars divided up into Right and Left categories, she's unhinged.

Comment Posted By April Ginsberg On 8.02.2007 @ 19:53

"Well, I have blogged about chocolate before – does that make me ‘inane’ and ‘unhinged’ as well?"

But I will bet you dollars to donuts you didn't put the chocolate into political context, i.e., only stupid libs eat chocolate, or eating chocolate is for moonbats, or making chocolate is for Arab sympathizers. or as Republicans and Conservatives we should be ashamed to eat chocolate.

She is unhinged, she writes about things that clearly do not matter, like a jr high school girlly-girl. Again, why should we Republicans concern ourselves with a misstep made by John Edwards' campaign? Why are we giving John Edwards our opinion and our help??

Why would his mistakes concern her or us? is this just for the sake of ranting about it or again, is there justifible reason behind all of her schoolgirl-like-trivial whining?

Again, please clue me into the method of her maddness because I am just not getting it. Seems so childish, seems like something The Left would do and it seems like we deserve better performance from our bloggers on The Right as we gear up for 2008.

Comment Posted By April Ginsberg On 8.02.2007 @ 19:46

"But saying that Malkin’s commment on the ability of leftists to turn even fabric arts into politically correct nonsense is somehow the equivalent of Marcotte’s bigoted anti-catholicism is just plain silly."

Her comments are ridiculous. Who the hell cares abour fabric art, what does that have to do, with anything?? It's silly banter. She's unhinged. Is she competeing with Marcotte to see who is the most inane? Again, am I missing something?

Comment Posted By April Ginsberg On 8.02.2007 @ 16:23

"Your attempt at fostering some kind of equivalance here just blew up on the launching pad."

I don't think so, why are you so concerned with what the opposition is doing when it will only hurt them in the long run? Am I wrong, I don't get the method to Malkin's madness.

Comment Posted By April Ginsberg On 8.02.2007 @ 10:40

"Riehl and Malkin have never written anything half as incendiary as Marcotte’s addled, bigoted, profanity-laced tirades."

And isn't Marcotte a Democrat? Malkin's rants are getting there, close to the crazy, nasty, take-out-anyone-who-disagrees-with-me tone.

Reihl I never commented on.

And why do you guys care who John Edwards hires? He was a Democrat also the last time I checked. I don't get it, why does it matter?

Comment Posted By April Ginsberg On 8.02.2007 @ 10:36

I mean this girl/woman has a blog entry entitled -

"Subversive knitting" and she is calling it "'Radical Lace & Subversive Knitting", the new left-wing hobby.

C'mon, she will look for controversy and unrest in a silly art exhibit, not even painting, it's fabric art.

Don't you think as Republicans we deserve better? I know she is only a blogger but I would prefer she would be writing for the otherside. She's unwrapped.

Comment Posted By April Ginsberg On 8.02.2007 @ 01:31

Steven Donegal is so right, but I must admit it has been hilarious watching the unhinged Malkin over the last few days. We really have gotten to experience the full essence of "her" and what she is really all about. Shrill unwrapped in-your-face-divide-and-conquer ranting and raving about things that, quite frankly, are really none of her business. She is not a Democrat, why the unwrapped behavior over John Edward's campaign? Is she changing parties? (Please God, make her a Democrat already).

The old saying goes if you give them enough rope they will surely hang themselves or better yet, it's never a good idea to wrestle with a pig, you don't accomplish anything and the pig enjoys it.

I just really wish these crazies were not apart of my party, Malkin & Co have done nothing beneficial for the GOP, they have actually hindered it. This idea that the Right Wing Fringe has to not only silence, but destroy everyone who doesn't share their views is just debilitating to the Republican Party in the long run.

Comment Posted By April Ginsberg On 7.02.2007 @ 23:55

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